Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Support Medicaid Expansion -- Make Your Voice Heard!

Support ‪#‎MedicaidExpansion!

Wednesday, April 29, the House Health and Welfare committee will hear three instruments on Medicaid Expansion. Support them all!
‪#‎HCR3‪#‎HB517 (Constitutional Amendment) EDWARDS

Email and call this committee:
say you support providing healthcare for EVERYONE and this is a way to relieve the BUDGET crisis we are facing. (Use either switchboard number 225-342-6945 or the office number below)

Scott M. Simon, simons@legis.la.gov
(985) 893-6246

Frank A. Hoffmann, hoffmanf@legis.la.gov
(318) 362-4130

John F. "Andy" Anders, larep021@legis.la.gov
(318) 336-5865

Regina Barrow, larep029@legis.la.gov
(225) 359-9400

Richard T. Burford, burfordr@legis.la.gov
(318) 925-9588

Kenny R. Cox, coxk@legis.la.gov
(855) 844-8583

A B Franklin, franklina@legis.la.gov
(337) 491-2320

Lance Harris, harrisl@legis.la.gov
(318) 767-6095

Kenneth E. Havard, havardk@legis.la.gov
(225) 634-7470

Bob Hensgens, hensgensb@legis.la.gov
(337) 893-5035

Dorothy Sue Hill, hilld@legis.la.gov
(800) 259-2118

Katrina R. Jackson, jacksonk@legis.la.gov
(318) 362-5123

H. Bernard LeBas, lebasb@legis.la.gov
(337) 363-0152

John C. "Jay" Morris, morrisjc@legis.la.gov
(318) 362-4270

J. Rogers Pope, poper@legis.la.gov
(225) 667-3588

Julie Stokes, stokesj@legis.la.gov
(504) 468-8603

Lenar L. Whitney, whitneyl@legis.la.gov
(985) 858-2970

Patrick Williams, larep004@legis.la.gov
(318) 676-5990

Thomas P. Willmott, willmott@legis.la.gov
(504) 465-3479

Chuck Kleckley, larep036@legis.la.gov
(337) 475-3016

Walt Leger, III, legerw@legis.la.gov
(504) 556-9970

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